Analysis correlation of betel nut consumption behaviour with dental caries in poor communities in Kupang Regency (West Timor)

Christina Ngadilah
Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang

Ardent Kloee Titu Eki
Academic of Social Work Kupang


Keywords : betel chewing, behavior, dental caries, low income

Abstract :

Dental caries is one of the diseases that becomes a burden of disease whose background is caused, among others, by low socioeconomic status. If coupled with lifestyle behaviors that are not beneficial for health such as consuming betel nut, then the burden of life for the poor will get worse. The aim of this research to analysis correlation between betel chewing behaviour and dental caries in low income community. Methode: This type of research is observational-analytic, with a cross-sectional design. To determine the low income community, researchers collaborate with village heads, with the following provisions: low income is a community that receives assistance from the government. The measurement of the caries rate in accordance with the provisions of WHO (2012) is to calculate the DMFT with predetermined criteria regarding the caries rate, Very low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High. By using the formula  Lameshow, obtained a sample of 363 and each sub-district around 91 respondents. Result: There is no relationship between the behavior of consuming betel nut with the incidence of dental caries. There is no relationship between occupation and the behavior of consuming betel nut in. There is no relationship between education and betel nut consumption behavior. 

Assessment of PH Flow Rate and Saliva is not Highly and Stimulated in Pregnant Woman Who Chew Belt Nut

Christina Ngadilah
Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang

Ardent Kloee Titu Eki
Eke Tetus Foundation Indonesia

Retrieved from

Keywords :

pregnant women chewing betel quid, ph, saliva flow rate

Abstract :

Introduction Salivary analysis in pregnant women chewing betel nut become an important resource for the evaluation of salivary conditions. The aim of the study is to asses the unstimulated Saliva Flow Rate and pH and stimulated Saliva Flow Rate in pregnant women chewing betel nut in Kabupaten kupang East Nusa tenggara. Methods Respondents 102 pregnant women who ate betel nut came from 4 villages in 4 sub-districts. Saliva samples were collected between 9 –12 am unstimulated and stimulated saliva. After collecting the saliva, the SFR was measured in ml/10 minutes and the pH was measured using a saliva check buffer kit, GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Based on the color change on the paper strip indicator. Stimulated Saliva was measured in the same way after consuming betel nut. Result Out of total 102 pregnant women chewing betel quid participated in this study giving a response. Most group of aged who participated for this study in the row, between 21-30 years 43% and then 38.7% aged > 30 years and 18.3% aged < 20 years. Frequency of consumption, more than 4 time a day were the higest prevalence 43% and in the row 3-4 time a day 39.8%, and the last one 1-2 time a day 17.2 %. Regarding duration pregnant women chewing betel quid amongst total betel nut chewing in pregnan women, 55.9% between 11-20 years, 1-10 years 37.6% and more than 20 years 6.5%. Mean unstimulated Saliva Flow rate 8.283 per 10 minutes (p<0.001) and Stimulated Saliva Flow Rate 17.969 er 10 minutes (p<0.001). Mean Unstimulated pH Saliva 6.635 (p<0.001) and Mean Stimulated pH Saliva 9.291 (p<0.001).

Empowerment Poor Communities with The Strengths – Perspective in Empowerment Theory

Ardent Kloee Titu Eki
Flinders University alumni,
Eke Tetus Foundation, Indonesia

Christina Ngadilah
Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia

Yansestina Erlince Eky
Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia


Keywords : Empowerment, Poor Community, Strengths-Perspective

Abstract :

Empowerment is one of strategies to alleviate poverty .Poverty is something that does not stand alone, but is formed from various aspects concerning humans, especially economic, social, environmental which will affect their lives. This paper will discuss the importance of strengths-perspective as a new paradigm in social work in the empowerment program to achieve the expected goals of solving the problem of poverty. This paper will use literature studies such as books, articles, and other sources relevant to the topics discussed. This study show that the principle of strengths-perspective is very much needed in an empowerment program. Strength based approaches not to replace another theory that has been used for a long time,in compiling and analyzing, social policy or programs empowerment of poor communities.

Excessive Deadly Addiction Chewing Betel Quid as a double burden, For Poverty Community Kupang Regency, West Timor

Ardent Kloee Titu Eki
Eke Tetus Foundation Indonesia

Christina Ngadilah
Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia


Keywords : Excessive Chewing Betel Quid, Poverty Community

Abstract :

People’s lives in developed countries are indeed in contrast to developing countries as well as in terms of behavior. Betel nut is estimated to be consumed by 10% -25% of the world’s population. In East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, almost the entire population (21) districts consume betel nut, including the elderly, young people and school children, even those who are still studying in Early Education. About 80% of the population of Kupang Regency, West Timor, consume betel nut.even though the district Kupang is mostly poor. Possible Hazards in areca nut mixed with various other ingredients such as betel nut and lime produce adverse health effects including oral cancer and other systemic diseases, as well as having the potential for dependence such as smoking and alcohol. We conducted a survey of traditional leaders and community leaders who have been addicted to consuming betel nut for more than 20 years in Kab. Kupang West Timor in a poor community. A total of 10 participants conducted in-depth interviews regarding events using betel nut, related to customs and culture, and their relationship to health. It was stated by WHO that areca nut is a psychoactive substance and is a class 1 carcinogen. According to the community, consuming betel nut is exciting and has nothing to do with any disease. No one agrees to stop consuming betel Nut, and mostly do not agree to prevent children from consuming betel nut from an early age.

Perceptions of Behavior Consuming Betel Nut in Poverty Communities Kupang West Timor Indonesia

Ardent Kloee Titu Eki
Academic of Social Work Kupang

Christina Ngadilah
Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang


Keywords :

Perception Betel Nut Behaviour, Health and Dental Health

Abstract :

It is noted in the literature that poverty affects health and dental health. The behavior of consuming betel nut will cause health losses, both general health and dental health. Poor people who consume betel nut add to the burden of life, moreover government assistance and government facilities to support the poor are not sufficient to live a decent life. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between culture and the perception of low-income people about consuming betel nut with disease and disease and oral health, and to analyze public perception about consuming betel nut and its consequences. Method : This observational analytic study employed a cross sectional design. The sub district South Amfoang and Takari, Nekamese and Kupang Centre. Those selected areas had the most population. Criteria inclusion the subject of this study were the inhabitants aged 17-50 years old and to determine low income, the researcher selected respondents who received BLT (Direct Cash Assistance) assistance from the government. The village government determines the poor who receive BLT under certain conditions. As much as 363 peoples were randomly chosen from 146,597 between the ages of 17-50 years. using Lameshow sample size formula, calculated using estimated proportion population formula. The acquired data were analyzed by means of path analysis by PLS 3.2.7 to find a correlation among variables. Result : Most low income people have a wrong perception about consuming betel nut in relation to health and dental health. There is a relationship between culture and people’s perceptions. There is a relationship between culture and the behavior of consuming betel nut. Conclution: Most of the betel nut consumers are poor families, whose economy should be focused on food, clothing and education and not buying betel nut which will have an impact on various diseases including low birth weight babies and stunting toddlers. Perception of health-related risks plays an important role in motivating changes in health behavior in poor communities in Kab, Kupang

The Role of Mothers Regarding Behavior in Dental Health in Relation to Consuming Betel Nut in Low Income Community Early Education Children in Kupang Regency Indonesia

Christina Ngadilah.,
Leni Marlina Pinat SST, MKes.,
Merniwati Sherly Eluama S.Kp.G,
Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, Indonesia

Ardent Kloee Titu Eki
Eke Tetus Foundation Indonesia


Keywords : Mother’s Role, Kesgilut and Betel Nut, Low Income Community

Abstract :

This research is based on the aim of identifying socio-cultural values in the health sector regarding dental health in consuming betel areca in parents whose children attend PAUD, as well as revealing the role of mothers in strengthening culture, especially the culture of consuming betel nut, which is appropriate for low-income communities in rural areas of Kupang Regency. The Aim of the research to analisa The role of the mothers regarding behavior in dental health in relation to consuming betel nut in low income community Early Education children.Method: This research is a quantitative and qualitative research. Mothers who have children under the age of five whose children attend PAUD intervention by UNISEF in the last 5 years. Respondents include parents and PAUD children in 5 regions representing the District . Kupang is District. Takari, Amfoang, Semau Amarasi and Fatuleu. Data collection methods include questionnaire interviews with mothers with children aged 3-5 years in each district analyzed. The selection for Low-Income Communities is people who receive BLT from the village. Result of this research is a model of the role of mothers in maximizing children’s growth and development in areas that are claimed to be low in Kupang Regency. According to research, mothers must be experienced in dental health and betel nut because they are the ones who understand best, the main caregivers for their children and in this area most children consume betel nut which is dangerous for oral health and body health in general. Conclusion: Most mothers in the research area adhere to culture and customs and teach their children from an early age about consuming betel nut. Suggestion: To improve children’s dental and oral health, it is very important to increase mothers’ knowledge through socialization about dental health and the dangers of areca nut for general health.


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